Immediate Care & Support Groups
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1.800.273.8255
A crisis chat room is available from 2pm to 2am at: www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
Rape, Incest, Abuse National Network (RAINN) 1.800.656.HOPE
A crisis chat room is available 24 hours a day at: www.RAINN.org
Crisis Link Text Hotline
24-hour crisis help by text message is availabe: www.CrisisLink.org/crisislinks-text-hotline
Emotional Abuse Text Hotline
Text CONNECT to 741741 in the United States. www.crisistextline.org
Codependents Anonymous
A 12 Step recovery group for people struggling with codependency
Get your ACEs Score
Childhood experiences, both positive and negative, have a tremendous impact on future violence victimization and perpetration, and lifelong health and opportunity. As such, early experiences are an important public health issue. Much of the foundational research in this area has been referred to as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
The #NoMoreShame Project
Information, Resources, Frequently Asked Questions for Survivors as well as publication of Survivor stories.
S-Anon International Family Groups
Hope & Help for Family & Friends of Sexaholics
S-Anon is a Twelve-Step program of recovery that can be a source of hope and help for those affected by the sexual behavior of another person.
Love Is Respect
Domestic Violence Resources and Support
Call: 1.866.331.9474
TTY: 1.866.331.8453
Text: loveis to 22522
Addiction Recovery Resources and Support
Call: 1. 855-520-2898
TTY: 1.866.331.8453
24/7 Support Available
The Recovery Village Ridgefield
Call: 877.343.0198
Addiction Guide